John Studies

Often, people outside the church have concepts of Christ but haven’t really studied much about him. A study in the book of John offers a person the opportunity to see who Christ really is. In studying this book of the Bible, the life of Christ is revealed, His purpose in coming, His miracles and His divinity.  John was one of the disciples who wrote a biography of Jesus so that we could know who he is and have eternal life (John 20:31).  John states in I John 1:1-3 that he saw Christ with his eyes and now wants you to know Christ too, so that you can have eternal life. 

A short study of a half hour to an hour that focuses on Christ's life could be incorporated into a lunch break, morning coffee or a Saturday morning. The studies on this blog require no outside preparation for the participant, just an interest and commitment to come to the study. As a leader it is helpful to study the material ahead of time so that you have a better understanding of the book. Having access to a good commentary or listening to sermons on the book of John can be helpful to capture the main points of the passages.

Below are my studies on the book of John that you can use or you can make your own studies.

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